
Barbara Schaffer
Barbara Schaffer

If you are a new visitor to Puerto Escondido, welcome! As you can see, Puerto is not your typical tourist resort. We have cows! We also have great waves and excellent surf instructors. Imagine coming all the way from Austria (not Australia) to learn to surf here.

Coffee shops have become very competitive. Check them all out to see which meet your needs.

¡Viva Puerto! is published three times a year: November, January and March. But you can catch up with the back issues right here.

Barbara Joan Schaffer
Editor and Publisher
954 582 2993
954 100 3507 cel

Editorial Assistant:
Ernesto J. Torres fotoset@mac.com

Editorial Design:
Jorge L. Mártínez

Ernesto J. Torres

Web Solutions:
Expomás Web Design, Oaxaca

VP27 Contents