
Barbara Schaffer
Barbara Schaffer

We visited the town of Cozoaltepec on February 5, and as you can see on the article "San Francisco Cozoaltepec", the shops were open. Now, as I write this, on February 20, everything has shut down. It is reported that five residents have died of Covid in the last week and around 150 have symptoms. The town has a population of a little over 2,000. We will never know how many people have contacted Covid in Puerto, because people are constantly flying in and out.

Actually, no one talks much here about the pandemia. Tourism has been strong, especially among people under 40. Their big concern on a local FB group is the quality of the Internet. See the article "Internet in Paradise"

Stay well.

Barbara Joan Schaffer
Editor and Publisher
954 100 3507 cel

Editorial Assistant:
Ernesto J. Torres fotoset@mac.com

Editorial Design:
Jorge L. Mártínez

Ernesto J. Torres

Web Solutions:
Quimera Servicios Digitales

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