
Barbara Schaffer
Barbara Schaffer

In this issue we cover the waterfront of San Pedro Mixtepec – the Manialtepec lagoon and Palmarito. And then we continue reporting on the highway to Oaxaca. Spoiler alert, it may not be finished for another year. The workers aren’t taking bets.

A few years ago, we did an article about the slow internet in Puerto. Times change and thanks to Starlink and TelMex fiber optic we now have, for a price, fast internet connections. So, we are now on the map for digital nomads, along with Cartagena and Cali, not to mention the Bulgarian Alps.

You can see back issues of the magazine on our website: vivapuerto.com It features an internal Google search engine. Very cool. Very useful. It also has emergency numbers and maps for when you don’t have the print magazine in your hands.

Barbara Joan Schaffer
Editor and Publisher
954 100 3507 cel

Editorial Assistant:
Ernesto J. Torres fotoset@mac.com

Editorial Design:
Jorge L. Mártínez

Ernesto J. Torres

Web Solutions:
Quimera Servicios Digitales

VP38 Contents